Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sure, Barack Obama announced his running mate, but let's devote CNN's resources to video interviews on Britney Spears' new diet plan!

I especially love how CNN host Brooke Anderson obvy has some inkling that, oh, 1200 calories a day is a tad extreme, and her correspondent stops her in her tracks with an admission that at her "boot camp" (they can't call it "fat camp" if you're already skinny) that was her calorie limit too. And poor Brooke Anderson just soldiers on, trying to convince her panel that Britney's regime is extreme: "...But not for an extended period of time, right?" (Do we need PANELS of people to discuss Britney's new body? Yes. Yes, we do.)

The word "hero" gets thrown about so much these days, but when Brooke starts in on how Britney never really had a weight problem to begin with, well, let's just say she's the greatest American hero since John McCain decided to stick around for more torture. *cough* But he doesn't like to talk about that.

She's got a point. Brit Brit popped out two kids back-to-back, was all sorts of bipolar and jacked up on boatloads of Cheetos. (God I want her life. For the Cheetos endorsements, anyway.) Really, I think it's OK for her to have been, oh, a size 12 or so for a bit.

"I think you have to remember though, that Britney sort of helped to repopularize the midriff," intones (what IS "intones"? but somehow, she's intoning here) VH1's Janell Snowden.

So that means she must never change, just like Subway's Jared has a no-weight-gain clause in his contract. Mmm plastic meat!

Um, anyway, nice to see a MSM anchor who gets it. Even if she won't take a hint from her Britney-must-be-as-thin-as-Nicole-Richie-before-she-got-knocked-up-and-thrown-in-the-clink-for-72-hours interviewees.