Friday, August 29, 2008

Time to hunt somma them there moose.

My first perception of McCain’s choice of VP was, “Crap. Crap crap crap. He chose a woman. A woman I’ve heard of and read articles about and crap, it’s a woman. A pro-life woman. That’s smart. That changes everything.”

I am inclined to think that McCain generally dislikes women. But I also believe he would do pretty much anything to get elected, including selecting as running mate one of those people with boobies who are supposed to wear pretty dresses and cook meatloaf for dinner and pop out 10 born-again Christian, God-fearing, Walmart-shopping babies. Or, you know, a mouse-huntin', rifle-totin' hockey mom.

Fortch, the blogosphere/intertubeland educated me about her microscopic resume, including serving as mayor of Wasilla, AK (pop: 6700) and her own mini-scandal (Troopergate). I figured since I’D heard of her, she had to be experienced and well-known, even as Alaska gov, but OK, turns out not so much.

McCain is now 72 years old. If his VP has to take over, is this really a person who is ready to run this country? I think we all know the answer to that.

P.S., My boyfriend loves moose. It's pretty much his spirit animal. He is going to hate this person.