Monday, September 1, 2008

Only possible title: OMG (...sorry)

So Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter Bristol (after Track and Trig, I do think Gov. Palin deserves a nomination to Baby’s Named a Bad, Bad Thing) is joining the Jamie Lynn Spears Club. They do grow up so fast these days.

I wonder if Bristol received abstinence-only education. But I don’t think we should criticize her. Millions, of teens have sex every year. Whether she didn’t know enough to protect herself or her method of birth control failed, she was one of the unlucky ones who got stuck. If Bristol had quietly sought an abortion, we’d never know about it, but that’s her choice and I’m not criticizing her for it.

What I am criticizing is 1., the anti-education stance that some people somehow think is helping today’s kids, and 2., the fact that John McCain knew about Bristol’s pregnancy ahead of time and still chose Gov. Palin. That seems very strange to me -- that even if he was personally OK with it, wouldn't he stop to think that, oh, I don't know, it just may hurt his campaign?

I look forward to seeing how this story develops...